Sunday, January 26, 2014

Original Sin - 2001

This blog post is not a review or a plot description, this is a record of how the movie made me feel.

Our neighbor was in the hospital and is in a rehabilitation center for a couple of weeks. He called and asked is there was mail in his mailbox; it was so full I filled a Trader Joe's shopping bag with the contents. Today we drove up to Enumclaw to deliver the mail. On the way back we stopped at Buckley, and there was a second hand store. We found they had DVDs for $3.00 and one of them was Angelina Jolie movie collection with three movies. Kathy and I already watched Love is all there is.

I had not seen this movie before or read about the plot. I now know this is a remake of Mississippi Mermaid - 1969.

Loved the opening scene, they are an arranged marriage, (hope that is the right term, she appears to be a mail order bride). The have both lied in their letters to one another, but the logic in both cases is reasonable. However, Julia AKA Bonny, (Angelina Jolie), says something that ignites my curiosity, "we have something in common, we both can't be trusted".

Early on I start to sense this will be a dark film. When Luis, (Antonia Banderas), signs over this bank accounts to Julia, I was immediately concerned. To put it simply, it is clear this is not going to be a comedy.

The movie is sad and it is gripping. If is also a reminder of the importance to be careful in relationships. However, it does explore the idea of total commitment and love.

Parents, there is nudity,violence etc in this film. I would not show it to my kids. I doubt seriously I will watch the movie again, but it certainly is suspenseful.

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