Saturday, December 21, 2013

Freedom Writers 2007

I have seen this movie twice. This movie really hit me hard, because my wife was an inner-city school teacher. Many things that happen in the movie are exactly what my wife would tell me about over supper. As retired educators, Kathy and I both understand the need to try innovative teaching techniques. At the SANS Institute and also at our graduate school, one of the biggest problems is to have the labs work for the students. As I watched the movie, ideas were pouring through my head.

I really resonated with the way Hilary Swank had such a hard time breaking through to her students.  She faced a very difficult time and that resonated with me. One reason the movie feels so real is that it is based on a true story; there really is an Erin Gruwell. In fact, there is even a Freedom Fighter Foundation.

Both of us cried multiple times. One of the real surprises was when the kids called their teacher "Miss G", the reason that hit home was Kathy's class called her "Miss N".

I am glad I have this movie in my library and certainly intend to watch it again.

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